2016 Annual Report
Board President

Executive Director and Board Secretary
The Red Tab Foundation is a public, nonprofit foundation that assists LS&Co. employees, retirees and their families who face problems caused by unexpected financial emergencies. RTF provides financial assistance, education and preventive programs to help these individuals in their own efforts to maintain their financial, physical and emotional health.
2016 Annual Report
Friends and colleagues,
In 2016, the Red Tab Foundation (RTF) celebrated 35 years of providing hope, help and support to members of the Levi Strauss & Co. community. As we looked to our past to reflect on the organization’s legacy, we uncovered a quote in a report from LS&Co. Emergency Coordinators that elevated RTF from a passion project of our founder, Jerry O’Shea, to an organization owned and celebrated by all members of the LS&Co. community: “The need for the Red Tab Foundation is greater now than ever before. Society’s safety nets are breaking down and the gap between the haves and have-nots is widening.”
Although this argument for the importance of RTF’s work was penned nearly 30 years ago, the quote resonates in the face of today’s rapidly changing social and economic circumstances. In a time of uncertainty, the Red Tab Foundation remains a source of security and refuge for the most vulnerable members of our LS&Co. community. This year, we have worked hard to build a stronger and more inclusive financial safety net for employees and retirees through our Emergency Assistance program. We placed a renewed emphasis on listening to our clients and truly understanding what they need so we can serve them more effectively. We also brought our global colleagues closer in 2016, forming new and stronger partnerships with local RTF ambassadors in more than 20 countries where employees work around the globe.
Though we are spread across the globe, as members of the LS&Co. family, we share a common thread. We are exceptionally grateful to be able to carry out the daily work of caring for our employees and retirees, and your support makes that work possible. As we continue to explore how best to serve our community over the next 35 years, we are humbled and emboldened by the legacy we honor and the community that we serve.
Best wishes,

The need for the Red Tab Foundation is greater now than ever before. Society’s safety nets are breaking down and the gap between the haves and have-nots is widening.

Every year, the majority of our program dollars support our Emergency Assistance and Elder Care Needs programs. In 2016, these programs protected more than 732 of our colleagues whose basic needs and quality of life were at risk. Whether they faced eviction or emergency surgery, a crumbling roof, or a car repair they couldn’t afford, employees and retirees who needed Emergency Assistance found relief and refuge in the Red Tab Foundation. We also continue to care for the retired workers who made LS&Co. the place it is today, ensuring their comfort and dignity by providing eyeglasses, hearing aids, dental work and handicap accommodations to their homes. Through these programs, our LS&Co. family knows that someone will be watching out for them in their most difficult times.
Our proactive programs – Red Tab Savers, Red Tab Scholars and our financial education efforts – help employees have the tools and resources they need to create a strong financial future. In an effort to help individuals protect themselves against future financial shocks, the Red Tab Savers program incentivizes consistent savings behaviors by providing a $1 for $1 match. With this program, a relatively short engagement not only equips participants with $500 of short-term emergency savings but also creates a savings habit and confidence that lasts far longer than the six-month program. We are also helping families increase their financial potential through our Red Tab Scholars program. By supporting dependents of our employees in their post-secondary studies, we are investing in their futures and helping them achieve their dreams. Finally, we help both financial strivers and those who are struggling create a solid and sustainable plan for financial security through our workshops and financial counseling services. Through asset building, education and financial tools, we are helping employees on the path to financial security.
In 2016, the Red Tab Foundation
funded school books for
alleviating a major source of financial hardship for employees in our Epping factory.
There are
who can now engage more fully with their friends and family as a result of the hearing aids RTF funded in 2016.

emergencies averted

scholarships awarded

financial futures improved

$ 1.07M
in services

program administration & development
general & administrative
fundraising expenses

FORTY-NINER ($10,000+)
Chip Bergh
Robert Eckert
Theodore and Frances Geballe
Bob and Colleen Haas
Dan Haas
Elise Haas
Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund
Margaret E. Haas
Mimi and Peter Haas Fund
Ginnie and Peter Haas
Levi Strauss & Co.
Levi Strauss Foundation
Kelly McGinnis
Joyce Stephens
SADDLEMAN ($5,000 – $9,999)
Troy Alstead
James Curleigh
Diana Dimitian
Bill Eaton Jr.
Roy and Betsy Eisenhardt
Seth Ellison
Tom Fanoe
Ken Fox
Bob Grohman
Julie and Wally Haas
Kira and Bradley J. Haas
Nicholas Meyer Haas
Seth Jaffe
David Love
Stephen Neal
Pete and Shelly Thigpen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Tusher
Elizabeth Wood
TWO-HORSE ($2,500 – $4,999)
Linda Adams and Ken Larson
Jim Ansel
Carrie Ask
Roy Bagattini
Ralph Briskin
Bob Caldwell
Salvador Escobar
Huntington Farms
Richard Gomes
Ramiya Iyer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jacobi
Rich Kuether
Mary Jane Luck
Liz O'Neill
Mary Palafox
Pavan Pamidimarri
Jim Phillips
Marc Rosen
Karen Scholl
Jen Sey
Harmit Singh
Michael Smith
Claire Swindell
Carl Von Buskirk
BATWING ($1,000 – $2,499)
Colin Anderson
Bev Beaudreault
Len Bennett
Tom Berry
Susan Brennan
Molly Buckley
Jonathan Carpenter
Dan Chew
Jim Chriss
Christopher Clark
Lisa Collier
Shannon Davidson
Jenifer Desofi
Melissa DiRienzo
Dennis Egge
Jeffrey Eggert-Peluso
Nate Eubanks Jr.
Salvador Garcia
Barbara Gollert
Mark Grovich
Christi Halverson
Jeffery Harlowe
Karyn Hillman
Mike Howard
Leo Isotalo
David Jedrzejek
Stephen Kelley
Edel Keville
Harmon Kirsch
Mike and Miyoung Kleine
Lijim Lau
Mark Manocchio
Bob and Mary McCurdy
Greg McGinn
Margaret Moster
Gerry Naegle
Roland Paanakker
Donna Paulo
Parker Phillips
Julie Pike
Don Platek
Tom Rafferty
Sadiq Rowther
Oscar Salazar
Mark Christopher Schulte
Chris Screnci
Mary Ann Shannon
Ken Sirlin
Julie Ellen Stempin
Ann Ure
Pascal Van Cutsem
Deborah Vander Bogart
Chuck Vrana
Wade Webster
Dan Wenzel
Scott White
ARCUATE ($500 – $999)
Vinod Alluri
Doug Arnold
Manuel Baigorri Soneiro
Tom Banks
John Booker
Gavin Brockett
David Cantrell
David Cardiff
Max Cowan
Liz Cronin
Ginnon Cunningham
Meredith Daane
Johnny De Martino
Robert Dellaporte
Julie Dentkos-Hearn
Paul Dillinger
Bill Dodd
Nita Dudley
Pam Duer
Ronald Durand
Kirk Eaton
Dean Edwards
Walter Ettlin
Dave Evans
Shannon Fitz-Stephens
Bobby Flemmons
Beth Ward Francesconi
Karla Francois
Jeffrey Friant
Bob Gargani
Francisco Gonzalez-
Meza Hoffman
Gregory Gordon
Alan Gregson
Gary Grellman
Jill Guenza
Justin Harvey
Simon Haskell
Frank Hinkley
Marybeth Hitchcock
Kathleen Hodskins
Orla Hollub
Michael Huddleston
Kate Hughes
Nuholt Huisamen
Rex Hull
Leah Isla De la Cruz
Florence Kamlung
Hazel King
Yuk Yu King
Michael Kobori
Larry Krause
Tuffy Kriegel
Marc Levy
Mary Beth Lilly
Marcos Lopez
Kevin Lynch
Anne Madison
Elizabeth Magee
Jackie Major
Heidi Manes
Robert Marshall
David Martin
John Massey
Kaede Matsumoto
Phil Maultsby
Joe Maurer
Amber McCasland
Lorene Miller
Murad Minasian
Sanjeev Mohanty
Gavin Moore
Anthony Murray
JoAnne Nichols
Steve O'Kane
Derek Okumura
Hector Osuna
Werner Pels
Ron Pepper
Susan Phinney
John Powers
John Prendergast
Neil Pryde
Larry Quenzer
Sharmin Recinella
Lance Relicke
Nathalie Renders
Kris Tulin Roberts
Patricia Robison
Douglas Roth
Auvy Ruelos
Larry Ruff
Florante Sabado
Paul Schneider
Jim Sender
Pascal Senkoff
John Serlin
Don Sevara
Vance Shore
Stacey Shulman
Bob Siegel
Bart Sights
Moises David Sosa
Monte Stagnaro
Randy Staniszewski
Brady Stewart
Bill Taylor
TJ Toce
Noah Treshnell
Kate Wagner
Anna Walker
Earl Watson
Timothy Wightman
Linda Wilder
Michelle Williamson
Erik Wolsky
Adam Woollerson
Marina Wright
Karen Youngblood
RIVET ($250 – $499)
Jeffrey Allison
Kimberly Almeida
Ben Alvers
Lynn Ambrose
Jennifer Aramburu
Gopinath Aravindan
Francis Arrastia
Lee Arrington
Luis Arteaga
Mel Bacharach
Joanne Bal
Justin Barratt
Grant Barth
Alexis Bechtol
Grant Beggs
Marti Beshore
Pat Biemer
Benjamin Blake
Linda Blank
Lesley Bleth
Brad Bolton
Chris Bolton
Londi Borrero-Lozano
Ludovic Boux
Leanna Breese
Bart Bright
Matt Brown
Kathy Burdge
Albana Bushi
Mauricio Cabezas
Joannie Cahill
Jenny Calvert
Lyvia Camerino
Natalie Castaneda
Donna Castro
Sue Ceccarelli
Richard Ceely
Tiffany Chang
Zack Chang
Anil Chilla
Charisse Chua
David Clancy
Ibby Clifford
George Colburn
Brad Couch
Lisa Cox
Shane Cullen
Andrew Cushing
Bailey deBruynkops
Elaine Delara
James Derouin
Stacy Doren
Mario Dumindin
Katherine Dykes
Bruno Echevin
Kathryn Farmer
Melanie Fox
Larry Franty
Akane Fukuya
Regina Galarneau
Frank Garcia
Amanda Gardner
Danielle Gentile
Laurent Giard
Nancy Gin
Michael Giordano
Brett Glickman
Malcolm Goonetileke
Joseph Graham
Dorota Gutkowska
Linda Hafner
Margie Hanselman
James Harrison
Christyna Hartwick
Patricia Hayman
Rebekah Hazen
Amy Kent Heasman
Liz Heil
Kelli Hergert
Alan Hopeman
Brandy Huff
Mario Hurtado
Arley Iribe
Courtney James
Chris Janci
Inge Jans
Abigail Johnson
Adrienne Jonas
Mitsunobu Kadoi
Anupama Kapoor
Tom Kasten
Lee Keiper
Donna Kellow
Emil Knopf
Vickie Kretzer
Kristin Kulp
Suresh Kumar
Nancy Lacsamana
Sara Lanza Hickman
Lorie Larsen
Jennifer Larsen
Geoff Law
Daniel Lee
Robin Lewis
Eilen Liu
Rakesh Loonawat
Josef Lukan
Jensen Luther
Takumi Maemura
Terry Malouf
Lucia Marcuzzo
Gem Mateo
Nancy McAuliffe
Jason McBriarty
Austin McCune
Peter McKay
Kevin McKenna
Mary Mclaughlin
Mike Mecham
Quinn Mefford
Kaila Michalkiewicz
Kathy Miller
Amber Miller
Haley Mitgang
Amber Mlaker
Sarah Moholland
Colburn Mowry
Sandra Mullinax
Darla Myers
Anitha Narayanan
Angelo Ng
Debra Nguyen
Mai Nguyen
Brian Nixon
Shawn Noser
Kathy Oertli
Chris Ogle
Ingrid Ojeda
James Oldham
Tom Onda
Aida Orphan
Paul Osborne
Elzabeth Owen
Kelly Page
Maria Papapanagiotou
Eduardo Park
Meghan Parmelee
Kristopher Parra
Shelley Parsons
Pranav Patel
Thor Patton
Laura Peterson
Marlin Pruitt
Laurence Raines
Saravana Ramaratnam
Victor Reed
Amber Rensen
Nicole Reyes
Paul Reynolds
Victoria Rieger
Karen Rilke
Markus Rinderknecht
Bryan Riviere
Jaime Robinovitz
Hugh Robinson
Marc Sanchis
Bettina Sapien
Karthik Sarma
Abigail Scheid
Tomas Schmidt
Gabriel Schoonjans
Tanya Shah
Gina Lynn Shanley
Christy Silva
Kristine Simeoni
Aneesh Singh
Tracy Ann Skibo
Maarten Slingerland
Nancy Smith
Colin Smith
James Snyder
George Spellman
Matthew Spence
Margarita Spillman
Anne Spletzer
Janis Stafford
Geoff Stafford
Jean Stanley
Isaac Starr
Stacey Stogner
Catherine Tam
Ann Tang
Paul Todgham
Saim Tokatli
Lynn Tsui
Kristen Tupa
Lauren Uchrin
Kerstin Ulf
Bao Uy
Schalk Willem Van Der Merwe
Hubert Van Nuvel
Johanna Van Zee
Tim Veness
Conny Verelst
Cynthia Wainwright
Heather Walsh
Sean Wanigasekara
Marc Waser
Justin Whaley
Meredith Wheeler
Vanessa Widmann
Jennifer Winters
Bernie Wong
Monika Yungert
Susan and James Birmingham
Betsy Blalock
Kelley Blalock
Casey Blalock
Donna Gallo
Jodi Gomes
Brian Gregory
Katie O'Shea
Luke and Becky Scott
Jake Tomlitz
Sam Tomlitz
Todd and Nancy Tomlitz
Theresa Walsh

In 2016 the family of our co-founder, Jerry O'Shea, raised over $7,500 for the Red Tab Foundation.
Please visit our website for a complete list of donors.
Alphabetized by last name. If you see any discrepancies, please contact redtabfoundation@levi.com